Wednesday, August 16, 2006

That old black magic.....

...... has me in its spell. Oh yes fellow blogsters it is here! Enough black sheeting to cover the whole allotment. Excited or what. Those weeds have no idea whats coming! Evil Jooles tut tut tut. They have been the bane of my life and now they must die. No light, food or water shall be given to those nasties. I have to work out when its best to do the dastardly deed. Daylight? Nah they'll see me coming and delve their roots further into the unfertile soil. (There's also the chance I may be seen struggling with said sheeting and one would not like to make a fool of oneself now would one huh?). I think the best plan would be at dusk. I feel a plan coming together. I shall dress all in black (balaklava optional - is that the correct spelling - looks suspect to me) and creep up on them and ambush them. Oh Yes!!!!!! Their days are numbered.

Leaves the room with a swish of black cape and echoing laughter ................! Eat your heart out Christopher Lee!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Rose - Silver Anniversary

Unfortunately, the rain had damaged the petals of the rose - we were given it as a present 3 years ago for our - yep you've guessed it - our silver wedding (baldrick has renewed the contract for another 12 months), and this is the first year it has flowered other than 2003. Pretty little thing ain't it?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

It's four in the morning.....

...... and what's more the dawning has woken up the wanting in me..... I forget who sang it - must check. Well it's nearly four in the morning. And I'm at work. And they are all drunk. By they I mean all the folks in York. Not all the folks in York you understand but all those who are out in the town with access to alcohol. And it's raining - and cold. Now this makes a huge difference to how the night goes. It usually means that the majority of clubbers go home in taxis instead of hanging round the burger vans and kebab shops. Not good news for them but it is for us!! We usually get what we call 'proper' jobs later on. Genuinely poorly people. That's what we do best.

On the allotment front, the black plastic has arrived and so have the cloche hoops to go with the fleece. We are not messing about now. It's a serious business this allotmenteering! I read with interest other blogs and find that they do far more on theirs than we do - it's all to change. And I need to update this more regularly. I have some office furniture ordered and when that arrives heaven help all of you!!!! I will be so organised.......... at which point I awake and find ...yeah I was only dreaming

Anyway I'll leave you with a Billy Ocean song - 'When the going get tough the tough get going'!