And the plan is...
The allotment has not been the runaway success it should have been this year. Primarily due to lack of enthusiasm I guess. I really must go and do something more than I do. I have lots of stuff to put in and if I don't get it in then that has a knock on effect for next year. The important thing (as suggested by claire at pumpkin soup) is to cover all the ground with as much weed suppressing fabric as possible. So I have been on the kays horticulture website (as I have dealt with them before. They are very good, quick and reasonably priced but the website isnt really easy to navigate and use) and ordered up some of said fabric along with some cloche rings (as the last order I made, I overestimated how much fleece we would need so I have to find a use for it - well 50m doesn't sound all that much does it - however it does go a long way!). The royal we have every intention of making a success of it next year.
It will be a challenge if nothing else. We shall however be over the moon if - and I mean if - the sweetcorn come up trumps later in the season. There is - if anyone is interested - a maize maze in York. It is at Grimston Bar and well worth a visit. We also now have a giant wheel (it looks nice from the ground - and thats as far as I will be going!) which is neon blue at night. It's next to the National Railway Museum (also well worth a visit - it smells like my grandad bless him! I dont mean of urine - he was an engineer and the smell of oil always cunjures up a picture of him in his beige lab coat......... I miss him and my grandma).
Back on nights again tonight. It will be busy as York Racecourse has a night meeting and everyone it seems has been paid - what a combination.