Tuesday, March 07, 2006

We'll try that one again shall we?

Onions Ho! Yep the onions are up and I'm really really chuffed - particularly as we unwittingly smuggled them into the country from Tenerife! And the sniffer dogs didn't sniff a thing. Ha! Under the radar they came. Do you think we will have them confiscated? I mean they were only piddling little onion seeds? And the tomatoes - Oh yes the tomatoes. Mmmm what's that you say? It's illegal? Isn't that a poorly bird? No m'lud I don't belive I am being flippant. Well the story goes that we were in Kefalonia last September and eating a rather nice Greek salad (succulent cucumber, juicy tomatoes, those slightly salty blackish greenish olives, sweet sliced onions and tangy feta cheese with just a smattering of oregano and drizzle of peppery olive oil) with some creamy tsatsiki and lightly toasted flat bread. We were perched on the edge of a cliff (in a restaurant and I was no where near the edge- although it has been said I have been close to it once or twice) sipping ice cold Mythos beer and it goes something like this.......
"This is the life."

To which the other three people in this story say "Mmmmmm".

"Wouldn't it be nice to take a little bit of this back home"?

Same reply "Mmmmm".

Pause whilst stuffing gob with food and chewing slowly looking out to sea.

"We've already got our holiday stones". A long story which I won't bore you with right now - perhaps another day.


Slurp of beer.

"I'm gonna grow some tomatoes".

"Bit late in the season for that isn't it"?

"Not now - next year".

"And how are you gonna do that pray tell"?

I grab 2 serviettes and take a tomato from the bowl . I then begin to scoop out the seeds onto the serviette and spread them till the juice has all soaked into it. I then put it in the sun to dry and take another slurp of beer.

The bazouki music whafts over my soul and over the drying tomato seeds.

I bring them home as a tissue in my pocket. The springer spaniel eyes me as I walk through the nothing to declare.

They are now hopefully growing in the greenhouse capsule - the most expensive heated greenhouse in the world!

The last entry - well what can I say - it all went a bit Pete Tong. I wrote reams as well - really good stuff not just about gardening. I wanted to spell check it and it wouldn't do it so I did something and all the lovely words went. Not even saved as a draft. By this time it was about 2330 and I was knackered and really couldn't be bothered. When I went into it tonight I was really surprised to see the title but sadly no text. I really ought to update my skills. This is a very steep learning curve!

And as for the canarian onions? Ah well, the proof of the onion is in the eating m'lud.


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