Thursday, February 02, 2006

What a start!

Oh yeah - just get started with this blog and what happens? I invite friends round for sunday lunch and have to move the new computer off the dining room table and take it upstairs - where there is the old computer and I have to dismantle that before I can put the new one in place - and then the telephone extension cable isn't long enough - out to the computer shop and get a longer one - I then discover (too late) that the cable I have purchased (and of course taken out of the wrapper and it being bin day, thought I was doing right by running out and putting said wrapper in the bin as the bin men arrive) does not allow me to use the phone and the computer at the same time. You may mock but it has just taken me four days to get back on line ....... and then its not as good as it should be. Yep I got the tower block type of computer and a whacking great monitor..... and printer etc and does it fit onto the desk I have - you can bet your lily white ass it doesn't - so here am I (reminds me of a joke I once heard a long long time ago.....) perched on a chair at a funny angle straining my neck to write for my public. Not that anyone has bothered to pop round. Teapot at the ready, freshly baked scones, strumming fingers on worktop. Well thats ok - it's early days yet. I suppose I ought to let someone know then word gets about - know what I mean? I tell you its a conspiracy.

Anyway - to let you know the reason for this blog. Harrumph (clears throat and adjusts knickers) Its because we have an allotment - there I've said it. I have read quite a few blogs to do with allotments and ... well... I thought I'd like to join in. Please? Can I? Unsure about the digging and such but I can write about it. This weekend saw the great bubble wrap game. Why is it that for the last four years we have bubblewrapped the inner sanctum of the greenhouse and each time we have had to go and buy more? It should fit shouldn't it? It bleedin' well should but it doesn't. Swear and curse etc and its done at last - with the help of parcel tape. So the onions are in as are the tomatoes and peppers. It's never simple though is it? Last year (I refer to christmas 2004) Santa brought a greenhouse heater. This year we decided to use it! So off to the DIY for an extension cable (this time electrical) But imagine my surprise when he arrived home with 25m of cable with no plugs? Oh dont worry I can put electric in the greenhouse I heard him cry from the depths of the garage - and, armed with little more than a screw driver - he went and did as he said he would. Although it took some time and alot of cursing (particularly when he cut the wrong length of cable so instead of being hidden around the perimeter of the garden, its like a tightrope up the path. Anyway the upshot of it is it works (for now). We wait with baited breath - I shall report back when there have been developments. Stay tuned.


At 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm here! Poor me a glass of that booze you've just opened and I'll slip you a slice of the pizza that's about to arrive - veggie or ham & mushroom?

You might want to turn the anti-spam function on - Allotment Lady has it on here comment function - otherwise you'll flooded with offers for cheap drugs and penis extensions. Or drug extensions and cheap penises.


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